Treyarch Editing Specs..
Attributes______Character Files______TOME______Scripting______General Files
Each different sort of
character has its own subdirectory. A particular type of
character is called a race. In addition, each race
has one or more subtypes, all contained within the same
subdirectory. This document enumerates all the files that go into
forming a race subdirectory, what information is contained
in each file, and how subtypes of the race can be
File Roster
The following is a roster of
file types that each race subdirectory has:
.act - "Actor
.att -
.def - "Default
.dmv/.scr -
_fwp.lst - "Free
.mas - "Materials &
.mvl - "Move List"*
.off - "OFFs"*
.prj -
.sta -
.vue - "Get-up
.wpn - "Weapon
* indicates that this
type of file is a text-file.
Actor File (.act)
Every subtype has its own
actor file, named "subtype_name.act" The
purpose of an actor file is to give the limb hierarchy of the
characters, which specifies the manner in which the character is
put together out of body parts. Each line of data corresponds to
a body part. For each line, the following data is specified:
The # of types of body part
that might appear in this slot. This is almost always 1, but can
be 2 for a hand that can hold a weapon.
The .off files for the body
The number of
"children", or body parts that stem from this body
The X,Y,and Z offsets of
this body part in relation to its parent body part, given in
Treyarchs (60T = 1 meter.)
What kind of body part it
Attributes File (.att)
Every subtype has its own
attribute file, named "subtype_name.att"
An attribute file lists various attribute variables and what
value each variable should have for the subtype. Some default
values are given in the file /data/misc/default.att, and other
default values are computed. Listing a particular attribute in a
subtype's attribute file overrides any default values. Conversly,
failing to list a particular attribute means that this subtype
will accept the default value for that attribute. A detailed
explanation of the various attributes is given in the Attributes
Default Positions File (.def)
Every subtype has its own
default positions file, named "subtype_name.def"
This file primarily lists the orientations for each of the limbs
when a character of the subtype is in its "default"
position. This is created by a program. If a character is
modified, the last thing to do is to re-build its .def file,
which is done by using the "old" move editor (type
MOVED from the main menu while holding down right-shift.) See Old
Move Editor document.
"Moves" (.dmv/.scr)
A race subdirectory will
contain various move files, named "move_name.dmv"
or "move_name.scr," which are files
recorded using the move editor. The moves that each subtype uses
are listed in their respective Move List files, and these moves
must be located in the race subdirectory. The .scr files are
hold-overs from an older version of the move editor. See the Move
List explanation for further details regarding moves.
Free Weapons File (_fwp.lst)
Every subtype has its own
free weapons file, named "subtype_name_fwp.lst"
This file specifies the .off
file to be used when a creature of this subtype sheathes its
weapon, and what material the weapon is made of (for use when
generating collision sounds.)
Materials and Sounds File
Every subtype has its own
materials & sounds file, named "subtype_name.mas"
This file performs two functions:
- It indicates what
material type each of the subtype's body parts is made
of, so that the proper sounds can be generated for
- It specifies which
sound file should be used when a creature of that subtype
is supposed to make in several given situations.
The material specifications
are a list of material names, given in the same order as the body
parts are listed in the .act file for that subtype. In the case
of the hands, the material should be that of the weapon carried
in that hand, if any. Valid material names are: rock, hammer,
sword, spear, shield, flesh, armor, bone, straw.
The sounds specifications
cover the following situations, in order.
- Screaming from being
hit: There are three variations, and the 0 will be
replaced by a 1 or 2 for the 2nd and 3rd
- Exertion noise as you
are jumping.
- A death cry: There are
two variations, and the 0 will be replaced with a 1 for
the 2nd variant.
- Walking. The number at
the end of the file name is incremented by one for the
other foot. So that, if z_wlk2 is listed, z_wlk2 and
z_wlk3 are used.
- Landing on your feet
after jumping.
- Falling down.
- A victory exclamation.
Move List (.mvl)
Every subtype has its own
move list, named "subtype_name.mvl" The
purpose of the move list is to catalogue each move that the
computer-controlled characters of that subtype can use. There are
four classes of move listed in this file:
- "ai"
Attacking moves for the AI to choose from.
- "maneuver"
Maneuvering moves for the AI to choose from.
- "environment"
Moves that are launched in certain situations by the
scripting language files. Typically, this is done in the
scripts for the Quest in order to get some creature to
behave in a certain way.
- "projectile"
A move that will launch a projectile.
A move list begins with a
number that indicates how many moves there are in the list. Then,
each subsequent line contains the name of a move file followed by
the class of move that it is. For "ai" and
"maneuver" class moves, it is possible to list a given
move more than once in order to get the AI to choose that move
more often than it would normally.
All moves in the move list
must be located in the race subdirectory.
OFFs (.off)
Each race subdirectory will
contain several OFFs. The purpose of the OFFs is to represent the
physical geometry of the various body parts for the subtypes of
the race. The OFFs contain data generated from 3D-modeling,
including texture-mapping information. More information is
available in the Modeling document.
Projectile File (.prj)
A race subdirectory may
contain some projectile files. Each such file represents a
projectile that can be used by some subtype of that race. A
projectile file contains the following information, in order:
- The number of things to
display as the representation of the projectile. A
projectile can be represented either by a physical model
(an .off), a sprite, or 2 sprites displayed on top of
each other. Usually 1.
- The .off, .bmp, or .ban
to use for the representation of the projectile.
MAGIC_BOLT or THROWN_OBJECT, depending upon which type it
is. A MAGIC_BULLET forms as the projectile user raises
his hands, then shoots out at the target. A MAGIC_BOLT,
which must be a physical model, stretches out to strike
the target (the Wizard's lightning.) A THROWN_OBJECT is
tossed by the projectile user.
- Whenever the physical
representation is a .bmp or a .ban, three numbers which
represent the apparent size of the sprite in each of the
three dimensions. If more than one sprite is being used,
each sprite will have its own set of size data.
- The word
"none." (Parameter no longer used)
- Speed. This is the
speed of a MAGIC_BOLT or MAGIC_BULLET, and is the extra
boost of speed a THROWN_OBJECT gets upon release. Given
in Treyarchs/sec.
- Damage. How much damage
is inflicted by the projectile. A THROWN_OBJECT will have
its damage done modified by a factor dependant upon its
- The mass of the
projectile. Given in kilograms. A heavy projectile knocks
the target back.
- Duration. How long in
seconds it will travel before disappearing.
- Reload time. How long
in seconds before the user can reload another.
- Minimum range. Tells
the AI user to switch to melee weapon inside this range.
- Ideal range. Tells the
AI what range to try to maintain while firing.
- Range tolerance. Tells
the AI the width of the ideal range band.
- The name of the sound
file to be used when the projectile is launched.
"none" indicates that no sound is to be used.
Statistics File (.sta)
Every subtype has its own
statistics file, named "subtype_name.sta"
Each statistics file lists the following information, in order:
- The name of the subtype
- The maximum hit points
for a creature of that subtype
- Whether the creature is
right-handed (unused?)
- The creature's mass, in
- The creature's AI
number, which is a four-digit number. Each digit controls
a different AI feature, but only the first and second
digit do anything anymore. The first digit is
aggressiveness, rated from 0 to 2. The second digit
controls what the AI character will try to do while
closing range. If the second digit is a 0, then he will
try to move to the rear of the opponent. Otherwise, he
closes normally.
- For each body part, the
following data:
- The armor level. This
value is subtracted from the damage that a blow taken to
that body part does.
- How many hit points of
damage that part can take.
- Whether the body part
is severable.
Get-up Animations (.vue)
The .vue format is created
by 3D-Studio. Every race can specify a getup_b.vue and a
getup_f.vue animation to use when getting up from its back/front.
If the file does not exist, a mathematical algorithm is used
Weapon File (.wpn)
A race subdirectory will
contain various weapon files, named "move_name.wpn"
There will be one weapon file for each type of weapon that can be
wielded by the subtypes of that race. A weapon is a triangle that
damages opponents when it collides with them. It is attached to
physical geometry that represents the weapon, but the triangle is
the only thing that collides and does damage. Within each weapon
file is the following information, in order:
- Name. The name of the
.off file that the weapon triangle is attached to.
- The type of weapon that
this is. 0=Sword. 1=Hammer. 2=Axe. 3=Dagger. 4=Shield.
5=Fist. 6=Changa Blade. 7=Mantis Claw. Different weapon
types are held and aimed differently. Particularly when
extended or blocking.
- The mass of the weapon,
in kilograms. Heavy weapons will knock back.
- The weapon tip vector,
the weapon blade vector, and the weapon base vector.
these represent the positions of the three points of the
weapon triangle, relative to the .off to which the
triangle is attached.
- The distance to the
blade base, from the hand. This is given as a fraction of
the total length of the triangle. It indicates how far up
the weapon triangle the "sharp" part of the
triangle begins. So, if this were set to 0, then the
whole triangle is sharp, whereas setting this number to
.5 will make the lower half of the triangle non-damaging.
- Default mode. Set it to
- Double sided. Whether
both sides of the triangle are sharp. If this is set to
0, then only the edge from the weapon base point to the
weapon blade point is sharp.
- Two handed. Don't do
it. Set it to 0.
- Edged. Whether the
weapon should try to aim its edge when swung. With an axe
or a sword, you want the weapon to turn so that the edge
will hit the opponent. With a mace or club, you don't
- Thrust, Chop, Bash
factors. Thrust is ignored. The chop and bash factors are
multipliers to the speed of the weapon that will
determine how much damage is done from a blow. The
difference between chop and bash damage is that chop
damage is reduced if the weapon does not hit edge-on.
- directory. The
directory containing the weapon.
- color file. Obsolete.
- rigid file. Obsolete.